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    • Tender
    Welcome to MSX Tender Opportunities page. Here, we share upcoming procurement projects and contracting opportunities available for eligible suppliers and service providers. We are committed to transparency, fairness, and competitiveness in all our procurement processes, and we invite qualified vendors to explore our latest tenders and participate in supporting our projects.
     Tender Announcements
    Here, we share all upcoming, current, and closed tender announcements, including important dates and updates. Vendors can monitor this section to stay informed of new opportunities and any modifications to existing tenders, ensuring they have the latest information for planning and participation.
     Tender Whistleblower
    Muscat Stock Exchange – is keen to boost Suppliers confidence and achieve fairness and transparency by improving the level of the surveillance performance and ensuring the compliance of all parties to the rules and regulations. Therefore, this whistleblowing service is launched via sending whistle-blower details to

       1. MSX is not obligated to provide any details about the procedures taken on the raised cases to the reporter.
       2. MSX is not obligated to investigate the reports that do not include sufficient details on the raised cases.
