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    • Our Profile
    • History
     History - Technology

    In the area of information technology the Market finalized the procedures with regard to the replacement of the present trading


    system, which is in existence since 1998,with a more efficient system that operates in line with the international standards and


    prevailing in many modern markets and matches well with the key objective of the Market, which is the development of Oman’s


    securities industry .


    MSM Has been running electronic trading system from Atos Euronext France , which is a very sophisticated system used in many


    developed markets. The new system ensures providing the data  and information immediately for the supervisory authorities to


    enable them to activate the regulatory role in trading. Further, the system broadcasts the trading data immediately to all users


    and will facilitate the Market to add many investment instruments in the future as well as to make an easy link with the other


    stock markets in the GCC and other  countries. The new system is also expected to make the information dissemination more


